Post Session Recap #4
Since April 23, 1866, Georgia has set aside the 4th Monday in April to commemorate Confederate Memorial Day. This state holiday recognizes the sacrifices of those who lost their lives in the War Between the States fighting to preserve the … Continue reading
Post Session Recap #3
As I previously mentioned, the General Assembly passed 172 bills plus various pieces of local legislation this year. While I am unable to touch on all of the important issues these bills addressed, this week I want to continue taking … Continue reading
Post Session Recap #2
Over the next few weeks we will continue looking at specific bills which helped accomplish our caucus agenda focused on improving our economy, creating jobs for Georgians, and making Georgia safer for our children. One of our primary objectives this … Continue reading
Post Session Recap
In addition to the 300 or so local bills passed during the 2012 Legislative Session, the members of the General Assembly passed 172 bills which are now being reviewed by Governor Deal. Constitutionally, the governor is given 40 days from … Continue reading
Week 11 of the 2012 Session
This week, the General Assembly took great strides in fulfilling a promise I have made to move toward lasting reform of Georgia’s antiquated tax code. For the past two years, I have worked hand in hand with Governor Deal as … Continue reading
Week 10 of the 2012 Session
Most of you are familiar with the story of a young, local hero named Brittany Baxter who successfully escaped abduction at the Bremen Wal-Mart in early February. Wednesday, the Senate and I honored Brittany, Bremen Wal-Mart representatives (including security and … Continue reading
Week 9 of the 2012 Session
Wednesday marked Day 30, a milestone in the legislative process known as Crossover Day, which serves as the last day Senate bills can pass out of the Senate to the House. Crossover Day must end at midnight and any legislation … Continue reading